Hoffman Institute Foundation, 2005
We were interested in assessing the impact of the Process on the health and well being of physicians and other health care professionals. To obtain data on the personal and professional benefits of Process participation, in October 2004 we sent 494 questionnaires to health care professional graduates. We received 129 responses, a 26% return. The results were scored in February 2005.
The questionnaire probed four categories of post Process change:
1. Personal Changes
2. Family Relationships
3. Professional Changes
4. Professional Relationships
Positive change was reported in every segment.
Among the highest percentage of positive change experienced were the following:
89% more present and self-aware
86% more compassionate
84% more aware of feelings
85% more experience of giving and receiving love
84% more self forgiving
82% more balanced and grounded
80% more balance in personal and professional life
80% more life satisfaction
77% less depressed and anxious
79% more integrated in interactions with others
80% more spiritual
75% more committed to family
78% more empathic listener
88% better partner
91% better parent
77% better listener with patients
77% more open in communication with patients
78% more connected with patients
75% able to establish deeper connection with patients
80% address all aspects of patients (body, emotions, intellect, spirit)
78% more present to people in their suffering
77% able to perform with greater ease
73% suggest power of prayer/meditation/spirit in bringing emotional & physical healing
80% combine professional excellence with compassion
78% established healthier boundaries
86% increase in personal growth
The Hoffman
Institute International
Quay House, River Road, Arundel,
West Sussex BN18 9DF - UK
T: +44(0)1903 88 99 90
F: +44(0)1903 88 99 91
E: admin@hoffman-international.com
Charles "Raz" Ingrasci - USA
Tim Laurence - UK
Maria Cámara - Spain